How Many People in the World Skateboard? How common is Skateboarding?
Of course this question has been keeping you up at night, and unfortunately it is not easy to answer. It is as complex as the finest of fortified wine products. There are no simple answers here. There is, however a simple solution these mysterious questions.
How many people in the world know how to skateboard?
Here at Chotchkiemoto, we are interested in improving your world and your knowledge of skateboarding. We are always trying to think big and this is a big question for us. How deeply is the human condition affected by the culture of skateboarding? If you want answers, Chotchkiemoto is here to deliver the goods.
How Many of Us Can Skate? Chotchkiemoto Looked it Up
If you’ve ever wondered about how many people can skateboard; It’s an important question. It’s possible you’ve tried Googling it or as the youth say: “searching it up”. Or Chotchkiemotoifyisation (we just invented this new vocabulary word and it refers to us Thinking about it and then Chotchkiemotosplaining to you). We have done the search: apparently and the data is old. In 2017 according to Google, there were about 85 million people in the world who knew how to skateboard 6.44 million of those people lived in the United States. Now Chotchkiemoto is not a mathematician but that’s a lot of people and according to our research. it’s a multi-billion dollar business with people of all ages skating in Skate Park Streets Urban environments riding on the sidewalk, riding through your neighborhood possibly.
Skateboarding: The Numbers Unveiled
So about 13% of Americans know how to skateboard. Not to get all conspiracy minded but this seems like a pretty unlucky number if you don’t know how to skateboard you might want to get on it to help bring this up.
What is the Significance of 13?
Surprising Coincidence? What is the 13% when it comes to skateboarding?
What you might not know is that according to the same Google search activity used to find these numbers, you can also find some other interesting 13%, connections.
Apparently, 13% of Americans, when responding to a survey, say that they have a disability.
13% of world-wide responders to a similar type of survey said they are “engaged”: defined as emotionally invested in their job. this one is pretty surprising I thought it would be at least 14%
This brings up more questions than it answers because what does knowing how to skateboard mean? Does it mean you can ride to the end of your driveway or get from one place to another on a flat surface or go down a hill or ride all day at your local park?
What Does It All Mean?
If you are like Chotchkiemoto, this information brings up a lot more questions than it answers. When the original study of who was a skateboarder was completed in 2017, Did everyone who knew how to skateboard admit it? Did some people say they could when they couldn’t? Were those people straight up, no good, just bad, liars? Or maybe they were just considering the possibility that they planned to learn how to skateboard sometime, making it kind of a white lie?
Well, Clearly this is a complicated matter, but what’s really important here is that Chotchkimoto knows skateboarding and the numbers involved can only improve. This inspirational 13% of humanity who sets aside the fear of being stereotyped, the possibility of injury, and the potential for humiliation on a deep level when a cool trick goes wrong,… Well that 13% is here to stay.
Is the Glass Half Full?
Are we optimists? We try to be, but sometimes the glass is half empty and sometimes the glass is a good place to store leftover change, so that it doesn’t end up in your couch under the cushions with all those potato chip crumbs. If you have ideas about this or other skateboard related conundrums, please let us know at the link below.